April 2010

Believe in the Spring!


Volume #1, Issue #4
Chico Writers Group
If you write it, they will read it

Writing Prompts
& Ideas
of Events
Call for
Previous Issues
Happy Spring! 

This issue of the newsletter is being moved over to a new blog set up specifically to host the newsletter. Hopefully it will make formatting much easier, therefore quicker to publish (as it is currently a one person show), and out in a timely manner. Your feedback is welcome and encouraged. Click the link in the navigation bar to the left and email your suggestions, comments, and praise.

We did publish the first page of the newsletter, also the writing prompt, to kick off the month of April, already. If you haven't checked it out, be sure to do so [here]. 

April. Spring. Renewal. Crazed College Kids. Cabin Fever. Taxes. Oh, and the census. If you haven't done so already, fill out your census forms and send them in! I just looked up the "Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-2011 Edition" in preparation for income tax filing, just to see if the few contests I earned money from and odd jobs I've done along the lines of writing, could be seen by Uncle Sam as an actual job or still under that little heading of "hobby." Pretty interesting reading. If you haven't looked, check it out [here]. Realistic though? Let's just say I hid the pamphlet from the husband who has this belief that he can retire and live off the income I'll make when I do finally hit the mother lode. Pshaw. 

Happy spring, happy Passover, happy Easter, and happy writing! 

Kathie Leung
Founder, Organizer, & Moderator
Chico Writers Group 

Feature Interview This month we welcome the New York Times Bestseller, Nancy J. Parra, who speaks candidly about perseverance and gives sage advice about critique groups. More from Nancy is here

We're always looking for new people knowledgeable in the realm of all things literary, to interview and feature in our monthly newsletter. If there is someone you'd like to see featured here, perhaps you have some interview questions already prepared, drop us a line at TheChicoWritersGroup@gmail.com

Article: Writing Conferences Now that spring has sprung, writer conferences are popping up as well. Many of the annual conferences are opening up registration or have at least announced the dates and location. There are a wealth of conferences, workshops, and conventions. Some are pricey, others are pennies on the dollar or even free. If you are a member of a writing group and thinking about attending a conference, you might want to consider some ways to maximize your dollars.  Read the article [here].

Get it Write Right, our newly introduced feature, seeks to resolve some of those confusing words that work themselves into our writing. Check out this month's confusing word and get it write right!  Read the article [here].

Guest author, Donna Hole, a member of the Chico Writers Group and a midnight writer - because she does have a day job - entertains us with a fun little story about her adventures with papers in this vignette titled Paper Fetish.

Craft: Setting - Time We're not talking about Alice in Wonderland and the poor, late rabbit -- or perhaps maybe we should. It's easy to forget to leave clues as to the time period, even the time of day, events and activities are occurring in our novel, but these are crucial and lend to that word we hear far too often: believability. Here are some thoughts and prompts all about time. Read the article [here].

Resources: Character Worksheets We've surfed the web and collected a satchel full of character building worksheets, prompts, exercises, and unique questionnaires to help you develop a very round, very convincing, very loveable/hated character for your novel, short story, blog. Go collect them [here].

 Chico Writers Group - www.ejourn.net/cwg/
530.521-4264 - TheChicoWritersGroup@gmail.com
The Chico Writers Group is a no fees, no membership dues writing group
for fiction writers of all types. For more information about us, please email us.